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A New Introduction to Modal Logic, by M.J. Cresswell, G.E. Hughes
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This long-awaited book replaces Hughes and Cresswell's two classic studies of modal logic: An Introduction to Modal Logic and A Companion to Modal Logic.
A New Introduction to Modal Logic is an entirely new work, completely re-written by the authors. They have incorporated all the new developments that have taken place since 1968 in both modal propositional logic and modal predicate logic, without sacrificing tha clarity of exposition and approachability that were essential features of their earlier works.
The book takes readers from the most basic systems of modal propositional logic right up to systems of modal predicate with identity. It covers both technical developments such as completeness and incompleteness, and finite and infinite models, and their philosophical applications, especially in the area of modal predicate logic.
- Sales Rank: #708421 in Books
- Published on: 1996-09-14
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.68" h x .91" w x 5.58" l, 1.15 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 432 pages
"There has long been a need for a new version, and this is a superb new version. The new Hughes and Cresswell would clearly be the text of choice for introductory courses in modal logic. I expect this would be a standard reference in the subject for some years to come.."
-Michael Byrd, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Written ... with great pedagogical skill, [An Introduction to Modal Logic] can be recommended to all those (especially without a solid mathematical background) who want to make the first acquaintance with the subject."
-"Journal of Symbolic Logic
"[T]his new presentation on modal logic provides a much-needed updating of the [authors' earlier]classic introduction which preserves all the virtues of the original, but responds to all the advances in modal logic which are appropriate to its introductory nature. It is the new classic introductory text on modal logic."
-"Studia Logica
About the Author
Adriane Rini is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at Massey University, New Zealand. She is the author of Aristotle's Modal Proofs (2011).
Most helpful customer reviews
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Watch what printing you buy
By Thomas J. McKay
This is the best introduction to modal logic for all but very experienced logic students. However, the first printing (ISBN 0-415-12599-5 (hbk), 0-415-12600-2 (pbk)) has many annoying errors, especially in the exercises. Make sure to get a later printing. Right now I see only the very expensive hardbound edition, and only the error-loaded first printing, on the Amazon website.
25 of 25 people found the following review helpful.
Pleasant and Thorough
By Guilherme
This book is the best introduction to Modal Logic I know, and it is great for reference too. It gives a general survey of modal propositional and even modal predicate logic (this latter is pretty difficult and rarely presented in introductory books). There is one feature of this book that I really love: the authors try to present everything without supposing anything on the part of the readers. I really suffer when I get a book that supposes that strange type of pre-requisite that appears to be everything minus the subject that is being presented - and sometimes the author even supposes that you have already met his subject before! Hughes and Cresswell write in a pleasant pace, sometimes repeating themselves, but this is good for educational purposes. I like their analogies: the presentation of K-validity as a modal game is really superb. They do not exagerate with mathematical formalisms, using only when indispensable, and this is good for the non-mathematician. I recommend it for every reader interested in logic in general, mathematicians or philosophers.
21 of 26 people found the following review helpful.
OK, but Hard to Wade Through
By Agate Lamp
Hughes and Cresswell (sounds like a deli sandwich, unfortunately) have written what is probably the best introduction to modal logic on the market. They are clear, orderly, organized--but they don't provide the student with anything to make his or her foray into the subject any more pleasant. It's a text for logicians-to-be with excessive-compulsive disorders; that would be most, but not everyone. The authors would do well to reformat their text, but the content is superb.
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